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To Disrupt or Not To Disrupt?

Jul 5, 2024 8:31:35 AM / by Georgie Jeffries, Senior Analyst London posted in Blog


We all know the frustration of walking into a supermarket, only to find our favourite items have been moved. Suddenly, the guacamole is with the cheese, and the eggs are in the baking aisle. It’s enough to make anyone groan. But is there a method to this madness? 

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Asia Shopping Odyssey: Exploring the Vibrant Retail Landscape

Mar 20, 2024 10:43:10 AM / by NourEddine Ouatta, Intern posted in Blog


Since starting my internship at PRS IN VIVO Singapore, I've wasted no time in immersing myself in the diversity of this dynamic city. In my quest to understand the Asian culture, I have ventured into various shopping experiences across the city. Join me as I share my first impressions of the different and vibrant shopping scene. 

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Richard Bordenave joins PRS IN VIVO as Chief Behavioral Officer 

Feb 15, 2024 12:05:16 PM / by Vinci Ng, Senior Insights Manager posted in Press Release


Leading packaging, NPD and shopper activation consultancy,
PRS IN VIVO today announces the appointment of Richard Bordenave as global Chief Behavioral Officer, with a mission to unlock the value of behavioral science at scale for its consumer-packaged goods (CPG) clients.

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Packaging: Festive Appeal for Chinese New Year

Feb 9, 2024 5:49:49 PM / by Vinci Ng, Senior Insights Manager posted in Blog


As the Chinese New Year approaches, the shopping frenzy in the Asian communities’ kicks into high gear, shaping a unique consumer landscape at this time of the year. The heightened excitement this year is fuelled by the arrival of the Year of the Dragon, a zodiac symbol synonymous with power and prosperity in Chinese culture. 

In response to this fervour, brands are unleashing their creativity, crafting novel packaging and point-of-sale material (POSM). The goal is to captivate the interest of eager shoppers and resonate with the symbolism valued by Asian shoppers. This involves incorporating elements from Chinese culture, such as dragons, red and gold colouring, Chinese calligraphy, paper-cut designs, and themes from mythological stories.

By doing so, brands aim to establish a deep connection with shoppers, positioning themselves as a brand that not only understands but actively embraces their culture. This strategy characterizes them as an international brand deeply attuned to the nuances of local consumer habits—a true manifestation of a “glocal” brand.

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Sample - How To Post

Dec 19, 2018 6:42:13 PM / by Sample HubSpot User posted in Insider


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